Via Greg Hunter’s,
Former Wall Street money manager and financial analyst Ed Dowd of is back with more data on how the Biden Administration propped up a failing economy during the 2024 election year.
Dowd contends “crisis level spending” was being administered, along with some bigtime “fraud.”
Dowd says, “We had 10% deficit to GDP during the Great Financial Crisis (2008 – 2009) when we actually had a crisis. We had 8% deficit to GDP during this election year. You have to ask yourself, what was the crisis?”
“The crisis was to get the Biden Administration (and Kamala) re-elected. So, they went on binge spending. They borrowed from the future to try to ensure they won.
They did it two ways: They hired massive amounts of government personnel to float the economy, and they also did illegal immigration.
We are thinking it was 10 million to 15 million illegal immigrants …