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MicroCloud Hologram Inc. Proposes a New Theory of Wasserstein Distance Extended to Quantum States, Supporting Quantum Technology Innovation | PR Newswire [Video]

, /PRNewswire/ — MicroCloud Hologram Inc. (NASDAQ: HOLO), (“HOLO” or the “Company”), a technology service provider, have proposed a novel theory of Wasserstein distance extended to quantum states, which provides a fresh perspective and powerful tools for the research and analysis of quantum states.

Wasserstein distance is a fundamental metric in classical probability distributions, defined based on the minimization of transport costs. It measures the minimal cost required to transform one probability distribution into another. HOLO has innovatively extended this concept to the domain of quantum states. In the quantum world, the description and manipulation of quantum states are far more complex than classical probability distributions, and HOLO’s approach is undoubtedly a significant innovation.

HOLO reveals a natural correspondence between the transport plans of quantum states and quantum channels. This means that in quantum systems, the transport process can be precisely interpreted as a physical operation on the system. The discovery of …

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