Devara: Part 1, directed by Koratala Siva and featuring Jr NTR, Saif Ali Khan, and Janhvi Kapoor, has seen impressive box office success, earning Rs 248.65 crore nett in its first 11 days in India and grossing Rs 466 crore globally. In a recent interview following this, the RRR actor shared his concerns about the increasing negativity and critical nature of audiences. Despite strong ticket sales, the film has received mixed reviews from critics and audiences alike, which seems to have affected Jr NTR, who remarked that audiences have become overly negative and no longer approach films with an innocent enjoyment.
He further expressed his disappointment, attributing the film’s underperformance to the audience’s increasingly judgmental mindset. Jr NTR told India Today, “We, as an audience, have become very negative these days. We are not able to enjoy a film in an innocent manner anymore.”
The actor noted that while watching films with …