A recent analysis conducted by security experts at Lookout indicates that iOS devices are more susceptible to phishing attacks compared to their Android counterparts. The latest Mobile Threat Landscape Report for the third quarter of 2024 reveals that 18.4 percent of iOS devices experienced phishing attempts, in contrast to 11.4 percent of Android devices.
Lookout, a cloud security firm focused on data protection, derived its conclusions from an AI-driven mobile dataset that evaluated 220 million devices, 360 million applications, and billions of web resources.
Since 2019, their security cloud has detected more than 473 million harmful websites, including those utilized for phishing purposes. These phishing tactics aim to obtain sensitive information, including usernames, passwords, and various personal details.
The report underscores the prevalence of iOS devices in corporate environments, noting that Lookout’s user base includes more than twice as many iOS devices as Android devices.
This greater volume of devices …