In May, Apple unveiled Apple Intelligence, the company’s take on artificial intelligence (AI). However, with the release of iOS 18.1, users didn’t get to see many of the AI features Apple touted at WWDC. Now, iOS 18.2 is finally delivering some of the most exciting features.
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On Wednesday, Apple released iOS 18.2, iPadOS 18.2, and MacOS Sequoia 15.2 for supported devices, making a new array of AI tools available to the public. These features include the much anticipated native integration of ChatGPT, Genmoji, Image Playground, Image Wand, Visual Intelligence, and more.
Keep reading for a complete roundup of the features and a brief description of what to expect.
To kick off the roundup, let’s start with the feature Apple users will likely use the most — Genmoji. With this feature, users can generate …