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Destination Canada Launches Traveller Segmentation Program [Video]

Customer Segmentation and Targeting

Destination Canada has launched its new Traveller Segmentation Program.

Available in the Canadian Tourism Data Collective, the AI program defines and classifies travellers from Destination Canada’s target markets—both international and domestic—into seven key segments based on a combination of behavioural values—like trip spending, travel frequency, seasonal preferences and activities—and psychographic factors such as emotional motivations and core travel values.

The program also shifts Destination Canada’s focus from High-Value Guests, defined primarily by income and frequency of travel, to Highly Engaged Guests, those who not only travel often and spend more but align with our values and are deeply connected to our brand.

Of the seven new segments, four have been identified as Highly Engaged Guests: Outdoor Explorers, Culture Seekers, Refined Globetrotters, and Purpose-Driven Families.

Canada’s priority segments within these highly engaged guests vary by market. In the United States, Destination Canada focuses on Outdoor Explorers, Refined Globetrotters, and Culture Seekers.

The program is also an evolution from the EQ …

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