Clinical trials form an integral part of the drug discovery process worldwide. Clinical trials are the set of practices required to certify a new drug molecule as safe and efficacious for the market. Medical research, in general, is a good thing and absolutely necessary to cure number of chronic diseases.
At present in India we have 40 million asthmatic patients, about 34 million diabetic patients, 8-10 million people with HIV, 8 million epileptic patients, 3 million cancer patients, more than 2 million cardiac-related deaths, 1.5 million people with Alzheimer’s disease; 15% of the population is hypertensive, and 1% suffers from schizophrenia1 In order to give best treatment to above diseases research on humans is both necessary and desirable. A clinical trial is defined as “any research study that prospectively assigns human participants or groups of humans to one or more health-related interventions to evaluate the effects on health outcomes2.” Interventions …