COLORADO SPRINGS, CO — Colorado Springs Utilities customers have the chance to give their feedback about some proposed base rate increases on Tuesday. These base rate increases are outside of gas and electricity. They fund construction, maintenance, and operations. The city council will be hearing the new budget and rates today at city hall.
Utilities would like to add $3.7 billion in additional infrastructure over the next five years to meet the requirements of the state to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. For all of us, that means we would pay an average of about 14 dollars more a month.
The city council will make their final vote on these rates on November 12th. If approved, they will take effect on January 1st.
People we talked to on the streets tell us increases like this are just a normal part of life. Stacy Poore owns Bread and Butter Neighborhood Market in downtown Colorado Springs. She tells me “Certainly a household, seniors, or someone on a tight budget, they’ll definitely …