Kishore Mahbubani, a distinguished diplomat, academic, and renowned author, is an ideal choice for a motivational speaker. With decades of experience shaping global policies and providing leadership in complex international environments, Kishore’s role as Singapore’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations and his tenure as President of the United Nations Security Council showcase his expertise in navigating critical geopolitical challenges. His ability to connect with diverse audiences and his profound understanding of international relations make him a captivating speaker capable of addressing both professional and personal growth.
Kishore’s journey began with a foundation of intellectual excellence. Graduating with a first-class honours degree in philosophy from the University of Singapore and later earning a Master of Arts from Dalhousie University, he demonstrated a lifelong commitment to learning. He joined Singapore’s Ministry of Foreign Affairs in 1971, embarking on a career that would see him rise to positions of significant influence. His diplomatic career highlights include serving as Singapore’s Permanent Representative to the United Nations …